Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 6, 2007

Six weeks already?!?

This picture is from the hospital, three days after Owen and Liam were born and right before we were allowed to go home. Owen, by the way, is on the left, and Liam is on the right. Note how they were swimming in their newborn size sleepers.

I had meant to start something of this sort shortly after the boys were born, if not several months before, (in fact, I posted one entry in a pregnancy journal before I ran out of steam and abandoned it) but here I am with six week old babies and I'm just now getting started. So six weeks of life on the outside plus eight and a half months on the inside are already gone without any online documentation. I'll try not to cry over spilt milk, though, (and having recently become a nursing mother I know full well just how great of a disaster it can be to spill milk) and I'll just jump right in.

Liam and Owen turned six weeks yesterday and promptly began their scheduled six-week growth spurt. I had just celebrated their first night spent entirely in the nursery and Owen's eight hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep when all of a sudden they decided that they had to eat every hour and a half. By the end of the day, when normally I would have been putting them to bed, I found my milk supply completely depleted (I tried to pump just to make sure), my nipples burning and aching, and both my boys still ravenous, unhappy, and completely unable to sleep. I tried to hold out as long as possible, trying to distract them as best I could until I could produce more milk, but finally I caved in and opened the container of formula provided by the hospital and fed them. It only took 2 ounces for Owen and 1 for Liam to calm down so that I could put them down. They didn't wake up again for 5 hours, thank goodness. It turned into the longest stretch that I've slept since well before they were born.

I just paused to feed Liam and put him back to bed, but somebody is making noises again. I'm hoping he will stop on his own. The noises have stopped... I'm going to bed.


huitzilin said...

(By the way, "huitzilin" is me, Lori. It's náhuatl for colibrí. I decided years ago that I liked it, and it stuck.)

Yippee! A blog about the boys! This is terrific. Now we just have to provide enough comments to inspire you to keep posting. I'm really glad you're doing this, since I'm sure you don't have loads of spare time, and blogging often requires a good bit of thought (and time, if it takes the pictures a long time to post).

Anyway, I'm crossing my fingers that this lasts longer than the pregnancy journal. (hee hee!

Finding Resolve said...

Thanks Lori! I'll do my best... I already regret having dropped the ball on the pregnancy journal. Sigh.