It's 9:20 a.m. and Liam has fallen asleep on the floor. It's a little early for the morning nap and Owen looks like he has no intention of taking one just yet, but I'll take what I can get. Lately, I can get them to nap in the morning but not for longer than half an hour, even fully swaddled and pacified. Fortunately, though, the nights have been a little better, if you don't count three nights ago when I was nursing one or the other from 12:30 to 6 a.m. straight, often at the same time rocking the second one in his rocker/bouncer with my foot. Last night was a good one even though I spent most of the night on the futon. I managed to sleep three and a half hours straight before Owen woke up (it's the first time in I don't know how long that Liam hasn't woken up first) and then slept most of the time each one was eating. I think at one point I had Liam for nearly two hours. When I woke up he was sleeping peacefully and his brother was starting to make noises in the crib again so I switched them out and kept going. I did manage to get back up to bed for a 20 minute catnap between actual sheets, and I resisted the temptation to take the boys into bed with me since I'm starting to fear that if I keep doing that I'll never be able to get them out.
In other news, I lost one of Owen's pacifiers yesterday (they are color-coded: yellow for Owen and blue for Liam). I still can't figure it out. I was convinced that I had put both of them down on the playmat before feeding them but when I went back I could only find Liam's. My only theory was that maybe it had gotten stuck in a piece of clothing and I put it in the wash. I didn't see it when I put the clothes in the dryer, but I haven't gotten them out of the dryer yet, so I guess it's still possible. I wonder if a pacifier is rendered useless by going through the wash...
We got a second bumbo seat yesterday thanks to my friend Andrea who went to Target and asked if we needed anything. The boys are still a little small for it, but I think it will be very useful once they can be counted on to hold their heads up consistently. I've put them in it a few times when I've been around to make sure their little heads don't flop forward. Here's a picture of Owen enjoying his bumbo time the other day:
Ah, as usual, I just got one baby to sleep and the other one woke up. So much for getting a shower during their morning nap.
What exactly is a bumbo seat?
I'm beginning to see that sleep becomes something of a ... focus, shall we say (to not say "obsession") at this point. How are you doing? Do you feel sleep-deprived and grumpy?
Another question, unrelated to this particular post: did you ever have any postpartum blues? How was it?
And finally: I like "Naked Twin Time" as a title. Only in most of the photos the twins are clothed. Just a comment, not a complaint.
Oh, Lori, you asked so many questions and I really only half-addressed the one about sleep. Tomorrow I'll try to answer all your other questions in addition to justifying the nakedness in the title.
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