Sigh. This is a picture of Owen smiling the other day. Unfortunately, there was little of this today. After a tandem feeding this afternoon, Liam came off the boob content and Owen pulled off at the same time sobbing. It quickly turned into a complete and utter meltdown, worse than either of them have ever been. He just screamed and screamed for about 15 minutes until it wore him out and he fell asleep. That only lasted about 10 minutes before he woke up for round 2. Fortunately, Liam was on his best behavior and didn't let out so much as a peep as he quietly dealt with being neglected for the better part of an hour. Even more fortunately, his father arrived just after round three and entertained him for the rest of the evening while his brother went through a cycle of waking up sobbing, nursing for a few minutes, sobbing some more, and whimpering to sleep. Owen's little rump was violated several times in order to take his temperature but it never went over 100 so the nurse at the pediatrician's office said it wasn't necessary to bring him in unless he kept at it. He finally was so exhausted at 7:30 that I managed to put him to bed, and though he's whimpered a few times since then, he hasn't erupted again (yet). It looks like it might be a long night.
Ugh! Poor little thing! How did he fare throughout the night? Have you figured out what was going on?
Sorry to keep my one loyal reader in suspense, but Owen was fine the next day, and I'm glad that I fought off my paranoid impulse to take him straight to the doctor.
Hmm. Tough call. That's a tough decision about taking him or not. I'm glad it worked out.
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