Anyway, Owen and Liam went in for their 4 month check-up yesterday and the both weighed in around the 50th %:
Owen: 14 lbs. 9 oz.
Liam: 15 lbs. 2 oz.
But as for height, both boys are around the 90th %:
Owen 26 in.
Liam 27 in.
This means that they've grown half a foot since birth!!! It also means that they only have 2-3 inches left to grow before we have to abandon the infant car seats, and since I live in a third floor walk-up, that means I'll have to start carrying the boys up and down the stairs without the car seats. Plus, the double snap n go stroller will become obsolete. Sigh.
In other news, we have started supplementing with formula because the tandem feedings were getting too out of hand. So now I pump several times a day and whatever else I need I just whip up some formula. It seems to be working well, except for the fact that I think the boys are milking (bad pun, I know) the overnight feedings for all they're worth. Hence, I'm getting little sleep. Since we've moved to mainly bottle feedings, we have also graduated to size 2 nipples, which make for somewhat quicker feeds. We tried the size 3, but it was a little too much for them.